Here is a packet I recieved from the pony express from the Ghostlight outpost in Baltimore. Notice how she thinks I'm as intelligent as Gavin Witt - HA! Anyway:
>> On Tuesday, I met with Gavin Witt, the resident Dramaturg and Julianne
>> Franz the education/outreach director, it was amazing! Gavin reminds me
>> alot of you, laid back but very intelligent. We just talked about how I
>> kind of fell into dramaturgy. We talked about my casebook and we talked
>> about the dramaturgy curriculum. He was very impressed with it all. He
>> even wrote down the name of your textbook. Julianne Franz is making my
>> experience at Centerstage an official Internship and Witt often
>> referred to it as an apprenticeship! So, I am very excited. I get keys
>> to the theatre and an official tour on Tuesday.
>> I will be working there Tuesdays and Thursdays for about five hours
>> each. I get an office (that doubles as their casebook library, very
>> cool). I will be helping the fellow read play submissions and doing
>> script coverage, maintaining their blog, helping him do research on one
>> of the upcoming productions the next season. Because I am an official
>> intern the other interns in the various departments and I will be in
>> charge of picking three plays out a play festival/contest that they hold
>> for kids. As the Dramaturg intern, I have to review the plays and
>> present my picks and their dramaturgical value. There was talk of me
>> talking to sixth graders about what dramaturgy is and why it is a great
>> field. I also might help do summer camp for a week. I am very pleased.
>> My first assignment is to do two script analyses on two new play
>> submissions.
>> Wish me luck,
>> Alesia Etinoff